To insure transparency we want to share the organization's correspondence with City officials.
Organization of the emails are is most recent first and threads grouped together with a red line to separate the different threads.
Red text indicates status updates (lack of response) for email below the red text
The following blank space is to prevent interference of the verbiage on the side of the page with the emails. I apologize that in some places it is difficult to read because of the background. I have bolded the text in hopes of making it easier to read. I don't code so I don't know how to change the format of the page. Appreciate you patience with this grassroots run webpage.
As of 10/27 no response received from any of the Councilpersons
Your help to save Audubon Park
| Oct 26, 2022, 4:26 PM (21 hours ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Mr. Walker,Thank you very much for your response. May I ask one question of clarification? Am I correctly interpreting your email to mean that there will be no further opportunity for input from the citizens about whatever changes are or are not made to the plans and the next schematics seen will be the final version with no opportunity for change?Kind regards,AngelaOn Wed, Oct 26, 2022 at 11:07 AM Walker, Nick <> wrote:Dr. Link,Your email regarding the expansion of Audubon Park was received. At this time, members of City Council and the Memphis Parks leadership team are working with the architect and design team on the plans for the Links at Audubon. We appreciate all input and information that has been shared thus far. Once the plans are finalized, they will be shared with the public. Do not hesitate to reach out to me directly or Adrianna with any questions or concerns that you may have in the future. Please visit our website at and follow us on social media for updates on what is happening in Memphis Parks.Thanks,From: Angela Link <>
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2022 4:40 PM
To: Walker, Nick <>; Memphis Mayor <>; Strickland, Jim <>
Subject: My requested slide, opportunity for compromise missedCAUTION: This email originated outside of the City of Memphis organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.Dear Nick and Mr. Mayor,
At the meeting last Thursday, we were shown a revised drawing that we were told would be posted, however when it did not surface on the Parks’ FB page or website I reached out to Adrianna in hopes she would let me know where to find it. By responding that the plans are not definitive and subject to change she let me know that contrary to what was said at the meeting, those plans are not going to be shared…and then she asked that I send her the schematic that I was prevented from sharing Thursday night. Here’s my response to her request:
“My schematic is of no value to you now (just as it was clearly not of value Thursday night). It was data and a visual to position us for a compromise that was based on my conversation with Nick in his office when he suggested that he could visualize a compromise of taking only the land above the service road. I was going to suggest no driving range and the compromise would have been him getting the driving range, but us keeping ALL the land south of the service road, next to the lake. Had he come with that proposal Thursday we would have probably gotten to an agreement and be done now, but he made it clear that a longer course and driving range for the few, is more important than natural space for the many.”
After contemplation over the weekend, I decided that I would send you the slide and make sure that you were made aware of my intention for it, the foundation upon which it was based and hopes for last Thursday.
When we met in your office on Thursday, September 29th you stated that your gut told you that you were going to have to keep the expansion all north of the service road and that that may cost you the driving range and would probably cost you the short course by the clubhouse. We talked about how compromise works with each giving up something and we agreed that we both wanted compromise. Therefore, I fully anticipated that you were going to bring a plan that would still take the field north of the service road, but would have left the meadow by the lake and all land south of the service road free of golf holes. My diagram was going to counter that you could give up the driving range and we could keep all the land. I anticipated that you would counter that we weren’t giving up anything and the compromise would have been that we would have given up the field north of the service road and you could have either expanded the course as you wish or expand and keep the driving range depending on Bergin’s creativity. Unfortunately, what you suggested at our September meeting wasn’t what ended up on the schematic you showed Thursday (I should have taken a photo of it, but I assumed it would be shared later). All of that to say, I came to the meeting Thursday ready to help reach a compromise and I think I could have helped convince everyone that it was a fair compromise, I would have at least tried. I look forward to the next permutation of the plans and the next meeting and hope for a better outcome for all.
Kind regards,
Angela Link
Re: New schematic presented last night
Angela Link
Sure I’d love to meet with anyone that might listen, but I need the diagram that was presented Thursday to be able to reformulate my data. By saying that the plans are not definitive and subject to change are you saying that that diagram will not be shared? Nick said it would be. If this is an effort for compromise, as Nick stated then we need to be able to look at the plans put up Thursday. I should have taken a photo, but it didn’t occur to me that they wouldn’t be shared.Thanks,AngelaOn Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 1:35 PM Moore, Adrianna <> wrote:Angela,Our leadership team is working with the architect and design team, the plans are not definitive and are subject to change. We appreciate all input and information that has been shared with us about the renovation at the Links at Audubon. Would you like to meet with the leadership team and present data/ schematics? Unfortunately, as a standard policy we review all information presented in a public setting. Let me know about the meeting early next week. Otherwise, I will continue to keep you updated as I have more information to share.Best regards,Adrianna Moore CPRP
Community Engagement Administrator
2599 Avery Avenue Memphis, TN 38112
From: Angela Link <>
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2022 11:16:23 AM
To: Moore, Adrianna <>
Subject: Re: New schematic presented last nightCAUTION: This email originated outside of the City of Memphis organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.Adrianna,When do you anticipate posting the schematic? Given the interest from the "stakeholders" I had hoped to see it yesterday. Will it be on FB or the website?My schematic is of no value to you now (just as it was clearly not of value to Nick Thursday night). It was data and a visual to position us for a compromise that was based on my conversation with Nick in his office when he suggested that he could visualize a compromise of taking only the land above the service road. I was going to suggest no driving range and the compromise would have been him getting the driving range, but us keeping ALL the land south of the service road, next to the lake. Had he come with that proposal Thursday we would have probably gotten to an agreement and be done now, but he made it clear that a longer course and driving range for the few, is more important than natural space for the many.Thank you in advance for your help.Kind regards,AngelaOn Thu, Oct 20, 2022 at 10:02 AM Moore, Adrianna <> wrote:Good Morning Angela,It was nice to meet you as well. I have not put the plans on our website or social media yet. Those of you in attendance last night were the first to see the revised plans. I did not want to put anything online that we had not discussed with the stakeholders first. I will notify you once the plans are available for viewing online. Will you share with me the plans that you wanted to show last night?Adrianna Moore CPRP
Community Engagement Administrator
2599 Avery Avenue Memphis, TN 38112
From: Angela Link <>
Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2022 9:27:54 AM
To: Moore, Adrianna <>
Subject: New schematic presented last nightCAUTION: This email originated outside of the City of Memphis organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.Adrianna,It was nice to meet you last night.Nick said that the schematic that he presented last night would be on the website, but I looked on the website and Facebook page and I don’t see it. Can you, at your earliest convenience, please tell me where to find it?Thanks,Angela
No response has been received from Mr. Canale or his exec asst
Regarding your statement to the Daily Memphian
| ![]() | ![]() ![]() | ||
As of 10/27 no response received from Councilman Morgan or his exec asst.
We missed you last night
| Thu, Oct 20, 9:34 AM (7 days ago) | ![]() ![]() | ||
Re: Regarding the $4,000,000 appropriation for Audubon Park
We have not seen the details to that degreeSent from my iPhoneOn Oct 16, 2022, at 9:45 PM, Angela Link <> wrote:
You don't often get email from Learn why this is important CAUTION: This email originated outside of the City of Memphis organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.2 last questions about the park appropriation:- Did they show you a diagram showing the new course and adding a driving range or did they just ask for the money in the context of renovating the old course without providing details?- Did they say that the $4 million would be the total cost of the renovation or was that to get started, because Parks says $8 million on their Facebook page (that would include the $1.2 million for the splash pad and playground).Thanks so much!AngelaOn Sun, Oct 16, 2022 at 9:33 PM Warren, Dr., Jeff <> wrote:Came from admin.Sent from my iPhoneOn Oct 16, 2022, at 8:37 PM, Angela Link <> wrote:
You don't often get email from Learn why this is important CAUTION: This email originated outside of the City of Memphis organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.Dr. Warren,I understand that you will not be able to attend the coming public meeting regarding the expansion of the golf course to take all of the green space at the east end of Audubon Park. I wanted to ask you a few quick questions regarding the appropriation for the renovation of the course that passed your committee on 9/13 and was approved by the Council on 9/27. Am I correct that this proposal came directly from the Parks Administration or was it sponsored by one or more council members? When this was presented was a diagram of the proposed course change shared with the committee? Was there an understanding of the loss of the greenspace? What rationale was presented for the expansion of the course?Thank you for your time.Kind regards,Dr. Angela Link
Meeting this coming Wednesday |